Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Radio Silence

Sounds like Top 40
and bands I don't know the names of,
it sounds like lyrics that don't make sense
and melodies that all sound the same.
Radio silence sounds like familiarity
and I turn it up when I'm alone,
when you're not there.
Sounds like summer days and winter nights,
like the season's change and the world's turn.
Maybe I'm burning up a sun for you,
a supernova of rhymes and reasons
and platitudes,
just read between the lines
and sing every sorry song.
Remember this burst of life and death,
of exhilaration and sorrow.
Sounds like you and me,
like beat up cars and long drives.
Like conversations deep and shallow,
muted words whispered between sighs and breaths.
I heard once:
"Some people pray, I turn up the radio."
Maybe you do too.
To drown out the noise of your own heartbeat,
to stop the ringing echo of loss.
Maybe it sounds like pop hits and rock ballads
and everything blends together
to fill the space.
Sounds like words unsaid,
like the texture of feeling.
Radio silence speaks volumes
in quiet minds.

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