Monday, August 31, 2009

In Response

Dear Adam,

I know just how you feel,
for I am you and you are me.
There will always be Beths
who don't stick around
and we'll always feel left
without any ground.
I can't tell you
how many times,
I sat around and waited
for the clock's ticking chimes
to catch up to the promise
that died on their lips.
Lips that we can't express
how we long to kiss.
So, we sit in wait,
doling out gifts --
quirky little things
that make no sense.
Our way of showing affection.
What's nice about the night sky,
is you're likely to see the connection
of each constellation
that follows you, no matter the coast.
We might not show our emotion
through eye contact or
body language
but we deserve more,
and that's something to look for.
Because someday, Adam,
we'll find them
(or they will find us).
We're not alone in this endeavor,
for I am you and you are me.